Analyze and Optimize Branch Performance to:

Find the most efficient branches based on a multitude of factors

Right-size the branch network

Optimize the organization and productivity of branches

Set the most relevant goals for each branch

Uses leading Machine Learning and AI techniques to deliver business-friendly insights

What will you get?

Branch & market assessment - Branch analysis based on internal and external factors (regional attractiveness, competitors, clients, etc.)

Performance analysis - Assessment of branch performance within clusters as basis for identifying cost savings potentials

Cluster analysis -
Identification of branch clusters according to selectable criteria

Optimization levers -
Development of optimization levers for cost savings, network footprint and mix of branch format

Factors needed to conduct analyses

Internal Data provided by you

Branch information, FTEs, operating costs, product mix, number of customers, average deposits

External Data added by us

Number of competitor branches, population density, traffic in area

How do we get started?

Get your personal Quote:

Contact us

Phone: +1 732 379 8344
Adress: 317 George Street, 3rd Floor, New Brunswick, NJ 08901