Examine and Improve Store Performance

Find the most efficient stores

Examine and find the real drivers for each store (you can compare 25 different metrics like GMROI, Sales per employee, UPT, etc.)

Benchmark against best performing peer stores

Set appropriate goals for each store based on specific factors that need improvement

Run a what-if analysis for comparing different strategies


“We reduced lost sales by 87% thanks to the ORS”

Uses advances in Machine Learning and AI techniques to deliver business-friendly insights

What will you get?

Clear Ranking of your stores - most to least efficient

Comparison to most efficient peer group stores

Operational Improvement Indicator: What each store should change and by how much to become efficient

Scenario Analysis to compare different strategies

What do we need to do the analysis?

Internal Data provided by you

Store location, sizes, staff, and sales information

External Data added by us

Competitors and demographic information

How do we get started?

Get your personal Quote:

Contact us

Phone: +1 732 379 8344
Adress: 317 George Street, 3rd Floor, New Brunswick, NJ 08901